Monday, December 28, 2015

7th week 1st week in Honduras

Hola a Todos,

So yeah, we left differently, we left on Monday, so we didn't get the chance to write. I have even less time to write actually out here, but I'll do the best i can. My first Sunday It was so hard to sing, i actually couldn't sing, I'd get flashbacks of you guys and the ward, and i couldn't cry there in sacrament, so i just mouthed the words but didn't let anything out so i could hold back the tears, but besides that, it was great. We have a recent convert named Gorge, he has a speech problem, he speaks very slow and broken Spanish and he looks like a child, so although hes 40, he looks 20, and he acts like an innocent child too, of course he can do all the adult things, he works and stuff, but he speaks as a child, and i love him so much. We are trying to get him the priesthood soon, hes stopped drinking and hes going to church, he gets up early and knocks on our door during our study time to wait so we can walk with him to the chapel. hes the only member in his family. Besides him, the families that are members are so sweet, they work so well with us, and do not worry, they feed us. We get fed by both members and investigators, its so weird, the investigators feed us just as often as the members. But it shows that they love us and they can feel that we love them. I received my Christmas letters and i loved them, thank you so much for those. I needed that before i began working on my first day, i got them as soon as i got here, so i read them before orientation and all that. We've visited new people daily and only a couple are frequent, since its only been a week, were trying to get to all the members and less actives and still contact as well. There's 106 that showed up on Sunday, and there almost twice as many inactive in this pueblo we live in.I love and miss you all. I'ts very new here, this mission is a great joy though. Its hot just like back home, but the difference is i'm in a white shirt and walking around all day, i live in a little house on the side of a mountain and my area is all mountain, its like our boy scout hikes every day from the time we go out until we get back home. I also got sent to the most dangerous area on this side of Honduras, i can testify to that because we got robbed my second day on the field. Ha ha they just took our cell thanks to Dios, but yeah, we got robbed nonetheless, he might've taken our money too if we hadn't thought fast and lied and then told him we only have our agendas and showed him them with pictures of Jesus. Oh well, its fun, i shower from a bucket too, and the water is always cold, no more warm water. but the holy ghost comforts me daily, or hourly, it just comforts me all the time. I'm growing, I'm changing and its all thanks to the Lord. I'm so grateful for prayer, i get home every night and see my knees dirty and i smile because that means Ive been on my knees praying like i should be. The bad thing is that i only have 50 minutes to write to everyone now and one of those letters has to be to president, but its cool, ill figure something out, but keep sharing with me! it really comforts me! Thank you for your letters they are a great help! i love you all!
Sacrificio es temporal, la gloria es eterna

Elder Chavez

5th week, last week in CCM

Hello everyone,
 Its been a week of gratitude. Thanksgiving was not so hard away from home, i have family now here with the friendships I've built. We still had the wonderful feast of food, but we also heard words from an apostle of the Lord, Elder Oaks, remind us that gratitude is much more than words, its actions. And I'm glad I'm serving a mission where i can show my actions as gratitude to our Loving Father in Heaven for all of the blessings in my life. I recently got called as District Leader, which means im over 10 other missionaries and am responsible for all of their work and obedience and punctuality and everything, its actually really fun since my group is very responsible already, and i get the chance to serve them more. Um, i also am working with an Elder Thomas with building a choir of Latinos and Norteamericanos to sing, in Spanish, What Child is This, for a Christmas special for ambassadors from every country in central america who are coming to see what its like to be a missionary. Its really cool that they're coming to see what we do, and that we get to share some time with these leaders from the countries we are going out to serve. Well, only one week left, and im out to Honduras! I really cant wait, tengo mucho entusiasmado! Pues, hasta la siguiente semana! Te amo a todos! 

Sacrificio es temporal, la gloria es eterna

Elder Chavez