Friday, November 6, 2015

1st week en la CCM

Alright,so the first day here was pretty intense. The flights were so long and tempting with tvs in every single seat and movies and music going off while i tried hard to sleep or something so as to keep my missionary promises,haha. I was alone all the way up until i got to the LA airport, where i walked to my next gate and saw that it was changed! so i went searching and found the right one and then right when i was turning to find something to eat,there were about 15 other missionaries walking straight to m and we all immediately bonded. Somebody had given them a 100 dollar bill on their previous flight so they used it to pay for everyone for dinner,it was the first miracle of the day. That day we got to the CCM after hours in the airport and a bus but eventually were here. They split it up here in Rama (branches/zones) and distritos (districts), i got put with 5 other elders who are just so spiritually amazing. My companion is Elder Daines and he is a spiritual and knowledgeable giant, he really does know a lot, and although it gets him a little excited and prideful he always triesto ask for charity so he can become as close as he can to Christ. Elder Gorze and Elder Dickson are companions,both from utah and Elder Dickson is district leader, very powerful testimony and spirit, and his companion is fun-loving, quick learning, talkative but always happy to help and serve. Then the final pair are Elder Hafoka(from Australia) and Elder Landgraf(from Hawaii) theyre so cool and theyre so great with their dedication to learning the language and having fun here as well. the Hermanas in our distrito are super nice too and have strong testimony and quiet spirits that reminds us to stop and listen sometimes,it crazy, we all have only been together for 4 days but i feel that i've known them all for months now and they all feel the same to me. So our first night, we were blessed to exercise our priesthood in such a magnificent way. after so many hours of flying and moving and working we were to follow schedule still until 10.30 to go to bed, so we were EXHAUSTED. Well, Elder Landgraf was getting down from his bed so we could kneel together in prayer,and he slipped and fell but we thought nothing of it, but once he was climbing back into bed he was convulsing almost like mini seizures when he layed down,we asked if he was alright and he stopped and said yes, but he picked up his Libro de Mormon and suddenly threw it against the wall and shaking again, so Elder Dickson and I looked at each other and said together, he needs a blessing now. We closed the door, locked it,i pulled out my oil and Elder Dickson annointed him. I then gave him the blessing, he was still shaking under our hands,and i felt the spirit so strongly that i have no idea what i was even saying half of the time, but as soon as we closed, he shook no more. Never again. He told me later that my blessing was everything he needed to hear and i am so grateful for that to have begun our first night as a powerful group of elders.

 We learn so much spanish, i can ask people to be baptized, recite the mission purpose and the first vision all in spanish now and can speak so much more fluently than ever before. They have us split here into two groups, Norteamericanos and Latinos.The Latinos are the ones from the areas around, from Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and they are such strong people, the Latinos are my favorite around and my districts too,we love hanging around them, they know why they are here, dont ever complain and are so patient with us as we learn the language, and even ask us to teach them english as well. The norteamericanos are a different story, there are the strong and there are the weak. Some complain and moan and are not missionaries in their actions at times, but we stay strong and try our hardest to hold each other up in Distrito Pablo (im sure that we have the strongest district here,not to brag,just truthfully) the hermans and us elders hold each other up and already care for each other like family. The food here is the most amazing time of the day and each meal is so delicious and filling. We get to play sports at night from 7.30 to 9,00, but not soccer! at least there is basketball and volleyball, so im okay.Next week we may go to the mercado and practice handing out libros de mormon, we did already start teaching our own pretend investigators and are to have them ready for baptism by our date we set with them which is el 20 de noviembre for my companion and i. When we go, we want to get matching jerseys for our squadron (squad) and ties that have our missions written ont hem,its so cool what they have to get for your mission. I cant send pictures and can only take them on p-day,but its okay, ill send some once i get out to honduras. Its just the CCm rules here. Welll,thats pretty much the week, monday through saturday, class, eat, class, eat, class, eat,teach our investigator,sports and then prep and sleep.Sundays are sacrament, talks(in spanish and we get called onto speak at the meeting too, so we have to be prepared), district class(lessons we also have to have prepared before hand since we get picked at that moment with who is teaching that class),devotionals,and prep and study. of course with meals in between and a snack time every day as well right before sports. I have my p-day on tuesdays, so ill be writing back then and i only have an hour, so ill be trying to write to as many as i can as much as i can.

Yo se que esta iglesia es verdadero. yo se que dios ers nuestro amoroso padre clestialy la obra misional as necesario por la eternidad do otra familias. yo seque Jose Smith fue un profeta y Thomas s Monson esla profeta en ese dia y dios los ama a todos. until next week,love you all! Nos vemos! 

P.s. i can also pray in spanish and i dont miss home much, i have so much to do and the lord has changed me so much, he has blessed me with humility and patience,both things ive never had much of before and they are helping me now so much to learn and teach, i thank Him so much for all the spiritual gifts that He blessed me with as  his instrument! Always remember Him, thank Him, talk to Him and love Him! I know He will answer you, he literally hugged my soul on Sunday, i felt like i was wrapped in His arms and i could hear whispering his love and happiness for my faith and obedience to be a missionary. Hasta Luego! Te amo muchisimo!

Sacrificio es temporal, la gloria es eterna

Elder Chavez